Providing safe and convenient working environments with hazardous and toxic vapor exiting chemicals such as chemical and pharmaceutical laboratories and hospitals, the Czechosakens also provide the preservation of glass covered structures and chemical gases. In addition to creating a safe environment for employees, Çekerocaklar also plays an active role in the ventilation of laboratories.

The general objectives of the use of fodder:

Overcrowing the rigorous tests without the need for expensive air supply accessories, the hoods provide a safe working environment with no replacement airflow.
Thanks to its low air consumption, Çekerocak, which works more economically, reduces operating costs by up to 30%.
Featuring EXPLORIS TouchTronic, which offers an easy and reliable working environment, Çekerocak offers all the security-related information at a glance. Intuitive-use automatic wings and integrated plug-in timers provide functional use of the drawer.
Çekerocak, which has low air consumption to reduce the harmful effects of the environment, provides solid and trouble-free operation with its steel construction structure.
EN 14175-3 (2004) Designed according to European standards, Çekerocak raises the bar for the safety of the laboratory. The toughness test shows that it can effectively trap harmful gases in spite of external influences.
With its extremely low air consumption, Çekerocak is not only safe but also economical.
The new EXPLORIS EcoPlus® reduces the consumption of expensive conditioned air in the laboratory by as much as 30% compared to the traditional models of Czechosaur. This saves energy at a higher rate, protects the environment and reduces operating costs per hectare by up to € 1000 per year.
The specially designed ventilation system incorporates additional savings potential. With the new EXPLORIS EcoPlus®, investment costs can be reduced by up to 20% thanks to narrower channels and smaller fans.
EXPLORIS® EcoPlus® Benefits to Operation:

Designed according to EN 14175 T3 European Standards, Çekerocak takes the safety of the company to the highest level.
Models that provide low air mass flow also reduce the cost of the operation.
Designed with special requirements in mind, the model can be installed in different places with different mounting options.
The innovative EXPLORIS TouchTronic® technology ensures an easy and reliable working environment.
With a wide and extra-deep interior with variations up to 2100 mm wide, a comfortable and comfortable working environment is created.